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Importance of Routine

If you’re not a routine person, you probably are!

More often than not, those people who we deem as “successful” will tell you that they follow some form of routine or schedule. Doing this is what gives them structure, keeps their head clear and gives them progress.

Having a routine may seem boring but what you may not realise is that they may not mean being in an office 9-5 every day. In fact, everyone’s routine could be completely different. For some, it may something very regimented while for others it may look different.

The main idea is that the routine consists of elements that keep you “steady” and productive and is something you can stick to!

Routines are important because they keep you habitual which is something us humans crave. Habitualness helps you stay in a good (and sound!) mood whereas acting on impulse too often puts you at risk of making knee-jerk reactions and decisions too often. Essentially, when you make impulse decisions, you are often making decisions in a panic rather than thinking through solutions with a clear head. You will feel like you don’t have a clear direction and then the results of your decisions won’t be what you desire.

So what happens when we create, set and follow a routine?

You’ll be in a better mood

Often it isn’t one thought or thing that makes us go “crazy” or “lose it”. It is a collection of those things. Having a routine will leave less time for these thoughts to occur because the decisions are already made for you. Therefore, you will be less stressed at having to make these decisions or deal with the fallout from the “wrong” ones.


You will be more likely to make “good” decisions

You won’t be making decisions on the fly for one. You know that at 6am you will be working out. So therefore, when the little voice in the back of your head (or your partner) tells you to have a bottle of wine the night before, it will be slightly easier to say no because you know you have made a commitment to yourself, your routine and maybe your Coach. The routine allows you to have the decisions made prior so you can thank your former self for that!


You will do things once and do them better

Because you have already set yourself a plan or schedule of when and how you will be doing things, it gives you more time to think about the best way to approach things. Instead of having to do things on the fly (or the opposite problem of avoiding doing things at all!), the decisions are made for you. If you find yourself not being able to get off the couch for a workout, you will find that once you slot a time into your day to actually do the exercise (like a Foundations Online class 😉), it is harder to say no to it. Plus, if you have told someone you will be doing it, that is even more of a reason to get off your butt and do it! This is much better than mucking around for a few days and then doing a half-assed workout that you made up on the spot.


You will regulate your flight or fight response because you aren’t facing the unknown

The fight or flight response is why many people don’t cope with change very well. You may have gone from having structured days to suddenly having your work, kids school, workouts and homelife all in the one spot! Once this happens, people can be come upset, distressed or frantic. This is because of the fear associated with the unknown. Suddenly, you don’t have your t’s crossed and your I’s dotted…you have a mumble of a jumble day and your mind can’t cope with the fear of not knowing what comes next. Having a routine will give your day structure and you’ll find your subconsciously less stressed because you know what’s coming next.


You will have a sense of purpose

Humans thrive off feeling like they have a place in the world. Feeling like you know how to do something or that you’re in a familiar situation gives us calm. Without it, we can feel lost. By having a routine, you get things done because a lot of the time, you’ve done something similar before. Once you accomplish something, you feel validated (cue the good feelings!) so you want to do it again the next time. Hey presto…you’re making progress!


You will feel more content!

All of the above will contribute to one main thing…a feeling of being content! No routine means tricky or wrong decisions, less progress and less calm!


*This blog was written based on some ideas of Brianna Wiest.

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